Add your Family and / or Freinds Business

Add your Northern Cambria (Spangler, Barnesboro) and surrounding area business story and pictures, current and past!   Our area has a rich history and has seen a lot of business's come and go over the last 100 plus years, so to help us make sure we honor all area business's, we are asking family and friends to enter the business's that you recall with any information about them.

How to add articles.

1: Create an account from the "Users" menu above, be sure to use a valid email address.  Once you register for an account, check your email, and click the link to verify your account.

2: Next create an article.  Click "CREATE ARTICLE" from the top menu and write as much about the business as possible. If you have photos to share, before clicking save, click on "Media" and upload your photos and then click "SAVE"

Please note, if you run into any issues with either creating an account or creating an article to share, Please contact us via the contact form.

Thank you